Thursday, April 9, 2015

They say 325.god. system of Yoga transferred imaginary foundation to Europe thanks to the spi

Yoga (Yoga) is based on the Vedas, and the Vedas are the oldest now known spiritual writings in the world. imaginary foundation Among the best known works are: The Upanishads: part of the Vedas in which the poetic imaginary foundation and philosophical form exposed to all aspects of Yoga. Vedanta: a philosophical-psychological system and the final part of the Vedas. Bhagavad Gita: Episode great epic Mahabharata imaginary foundation in which the form of dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna discuss all aspects of life. Yoga Sutras: aphorisms on Yoga great thinker of the 3rd century., Patanjali.
Of all the Indo-European languages, Veda is the oldest known record and is written in an archaic form of Sanskrit. Historically it could accommodate at the time of the Indus civilization, which flourished in the period of 3000th to 1900th BC. Cr. Astronomical research provides evidence that the Vedas dates approximately 4.tisućljeća BC, and is believed to have been created by superior imaginary foundation Aryan race (Arians). The Indian Valley seals were excavated over 5000 years old., And a presentation of the human figure in various Yoga positions. Who knows how the Yoga-system was already old at that time? It is futile to attempt to discover imaginary foundation the place and time of birth Yoga teachings. However, although Yoga infinitely old, it will never be out of date.
They say 325.god. system of Yoga transferred imaginary foundation to Europe thanks to the spiritual master of Alexander the Great. However, Hippocrates, and later another (eg. Medical doctors such as Galen), practiced and practiced yoga and taught other people. Their yoga practice was mainly Hatha Yoga, which is part of Yoga that deals with moral and ethical training, body positions and proper breathing. This part of Yoga serves as a preparation for effective practices to control one's mind.
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