Saturday, April 4, 2015

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Tingling language
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If you feel a burning sensation on the tongue may want to otkrjete cause of this problem. Burning sensation may indicate that in your body there is a problem that has been made. Tingling language points to a condition known as parestezija- ultrasone feeling of numbness, tingling, burning, ultrasone which often occurs as a result of nerve damage. Once this tingling can extend ultrasone the lip, and the jaws. What can be the cause of tingling tongue?
Nerve damage during dental interventions: If you have any dental intervention, such as the cleaning of channels, it is possible to come to complications and to nerve injury. ultrasone When the nerve completely or partially damaged may occur feeling of tingling ultrasone and numbness in the tongue.
Burning mouth syndrome: The burning tongue and lips, followed by dryness in the mouth or a metallic taste in the mouth, may indicate Burning ultrasone mouth syndrome. This syndrome can be caused ultrasone by a variety ultrasone of factors, all of which are accompanied by irritation.
Hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body during menopause can cause simndrom burning mouth. Taking a specific drug or disease, such as diabetes, can also cause this syndrome, accompanied by tingling tongue.
Fungal infections of the mouth and tongue ultrasone known as oral candidiasis may also cause this condition. Reflux of gastric acid, a condition in which stomach acids back into the esophagus, ultrasone can cause burning mouth syndrome.
Anxiety and tingling tongue are directly connected. Stress, depression and anxiety ultrasone disorders are manifested differently in the human body, which may lead to weight loss, pain or burning probadajućih language. ultrasone
Stroke: Tingling tongue may indicate a stroke. Shock occurs when the blood, on the way to the brain, it encounters an obstacle, usually in the form of congestion of the arteries. ultrasone A stroke is accompanied by the following symptoms: nausea, numbness, numbness of the face, the feeling of paralysis in the arms and legs, difficulty in speaking and walking, visual disturbances, dizziness, strong glavobolja.I other serious diseases, in addition to stroke, can cause a tingling sensation and numbness languages, such as multiple sclerosis, Bell's palsy and brain tumor.
Other Causes: Tingling languages are more common among passionate smokers. Also, if it's crooked tooth irritated tongue may cause this feeling. Probable cause is poor dental hygiene, especially when it comes to over-breeding of bacteria in the mouth. ultrasone
Tingling or numbness of the tongue ultrasone is a symptom that can be caused by various diseases and conditions. If adequate medical treatment, symptoms will be reduced or completely removed. If the tingling tongue followed Burning mouth syndrome, ultrasone it is important to avoid foods that can cause allergies and wounds ultrasone on the tongue, to keep it balanced and that daily practice, to maintain their physical and mental health. ultrasone Finally, if a burning sensation persists and if the language is accompanied by other symptoms (changes in speech, problems with balance, strong headaches, vision problems ...) it is essential that you contact your doctor before.
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