Friday, April 10, 2015

Ger Duijzings, cultural anthropologist, he worked as an assistant professor of Serbian and Croatian

It follows criticism of the Dutch report crazy 8 on Srebrenica by Professor Besim Ibisevic, historians from Srebrenica. Criticism focuses crazy 8 mainly on the study of the Dutch anthropologist Ger Duijzings's. Currently, crazy 8 these very important historical analysis is only available in languages other than English. Prof Ibisevic will be grateful to anyone who is willing to offer their time and effort to this text translated into English crazy 8 and other languages. Netherlands Institute for War Documentation
Mr. Duijzings History and reminders in eastern crazy 8 Bosnia Background fall of Srebrenica (or, How to distort historical facts and justify the greatest crime in Europe since the end of World War II)
After the fall of the safety zone of Srebrenica, 11 July 1995, the Dutch government has found herself in a bind. As is known, in July 1995, Serbs occupied ''s safety zone' of the United Nations and for a few days in the most ruthless manner killed crazy 8 about 8,000 of its inhabitants. The soldiers crazy 8 of the Dutch battalion base in Potocari, passive behaved themselves or help the separation of men from women and deportation to death. Serbs took advantage of indecision and passivity of the international community Dutchbat and committed the largest massacre crazy 8 in Europe after World War II.
The Dutch public was stunned Serbian crimes on the other hand the behavior of Dutchbat to the security zone of Srebrenica was unclear, and therefore require the implementation of parliamentary polls. In order to avoid this decision was made to report on Srebrenica write historians and not politicians. This enormous scientific work was entrusted, at the end of 1996, the Netherlands crazy 8 Institute for War Documentation - Amsterdam. Writing a report on Srebrenica has been entrusted to a group of Dutch historians crazy 8 who in his many years of work carried out fieldwork and archival research. Thus, historians have been assigned by the Dutch government to reconstruct the events in Srebrenica, a few years before the start of Serbian military aggression, during the aggression, fall and after the fall of the safety zone. It was necessary, therefore, scientifically say why the Serbs after the takeover of Srebrenica committed massive crimes against Bosniaks and why it happened the worst crime in Europe since the end of World War II.
After almost six years of scientific research report on Srebrenica, he saw the light of day, April 2002. A concrete result: seven books and one compact disc. Total number of pages of the book is 8080 and the CD-in is still 1676. The entire report on Srebrenica but contains 9756 pages of text.
Ger Duijzings, cultural anthropologist, he worked as an assistant professor of Serbian and Croatian crazy 8 studies at the Faculty of Slavic and East European Studies, University of London. His task was to reconstruct the events in Srebrenica, a few years before the start of Serbian military crazy 8 aggression and war first year or until January 1993. The result of several years of work Ger Duijzings's book is entitled: 'History and reminders in eastern Bosnia backgrounds fall of Srebrenica'. crazy 8 This book should give a scientific explanation as to why the massacre of Bosniaks in July 1995.
In the foreword of the book, we see that Dutch anthropologist crazy 8 uses the terms: Muslim, Serbo-Croatian (p.7-10). Bosniaks as a nation there are over a thousand years. During the long history called once Bosnians, once Bosniaks, once the Bosnians. In confessional terms were pagans and Bogomils (Patara) and today are Muslims. At the time of the Serbian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina crazy 8 (1918-1990) national name Bosniak was forbidden, as well as the Bosnian language. The national identity of Bosniaks has consistently been denied and challenged by their neighbors, Serbs and Croats. After a failed attempt denationalization Bosniacs, policy-opting hovering, Serbs Bosniaks donated religious Muslim name (constitutional amendments in 1971 and the 1974 Constitution). Tim religious name Serbs and Bosniaks still tried to keep within the confessional communities. Since 1993 the name Bosniak was made official. In the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in the Dayton agreement, the official name for the most numerous nation is Bosnjak. crazy 8 Along with the political struggle for the recognition of national name was also carried out activities for the recognition of the Bosnian language. Mr. Duijzings he had in his work used the official term for one nation and one language, as the nation itself and its language called and not to call them by their enemies. Dutch anthropologist opted for the terms of the Greater propaganda. Further, in the text of the Preface, the author is especially grateful to three women, research assistants. Two of them were Serbian women and nationality of the third co-workers is unclear. In the bibliography the author shows no work of his assistant, but she has blurred their help in writing the book. On the other hand, G.Duijzings is the most widely used my book, (Besim Ibisevic: Srebrenica crazy 8 1987-1992, Amsterdam 1999) and does not mention me as an assistant. Then the author states

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