Thursday, April 2, 2015

It is indeed sometimes a story that someone had found some

As napomenuh at the beginning, I'm not moving from his place in Joskanovićima - nice to me here, I see everything, I hear something and not to worry about things I can not change. By the way I learn a lot, but I do not know too much praise, so I bit atypical Mandoseljka calida - they generally prefer when you fail at something, but even more to enjoy when it gets out, for the record of whose gender and what is better than the other.
So am I, without any intention and effort, learned calida several languages. Best of all these remarkable speeches understand the German language, I heard enough of him and too much in his life. It's a bit distorted but clear and penetrating, since Joskanovići and many others Mandoseljani immediately in my growing up went in search of bread to the north, in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, where they brought with them the occasional foreign word, and I remembered them all.
One of my favorite German terms is "štemplovanje". When they came together Pere, Stipe, Cokan, Mijo, Mice, Baja, Kalčić and others headed by German baustelle not be long lived under my crown, but when they came to štemplovanje, then the weeks or months remained in their family and stopped by at babe Mare and me, their mulberry.
I heard later of these younger, who had time to go to school while their fathers calida broke back at baustelle, that the word "štemplovanje" little Croatinized and that comes from the German phrase "stempeln", which again should mean something like a seal on employment office, which would be construction workers calida during the winter, when it was not possible to dig through frozen ground, given that they would be socially insured and eligible for compensation of salary. calida
There are such beautiful words a lot, but I will not enumerate them all, only the sweetest to me as "ürlap" from the German word "holiday - holiday", "banovo" which in the original version called "Bahnhof" and means the station (there are Mandoseljani first came, there were gathering, there are deals as and sent from there all sorts of things with their women and children), or "Ofental" which immediately upon arrival in a foreign country had to be settled, means stay and correctly spelled "Aufenthalt ".
It was ugly and expressions, but I clear the tree, so I do not want to spread negative thoughts, but just to mention them, and if one is interested in what they mean a pie Kalčića or Baju - they certainly know because they are not always healthy back they returned to their village. These nasty words, at whose mention that women often wept, and their children are comforted by saying that with Caco all be well and that will be for Christmas or the summer calida back home, are "Unfal", "Krankenštan" or "Amburg".
Only to explain why the name of the city of Hamburg, which is how I heard a nice, falls into the ugly expressions - This port city lies in the north of Germany, and it had to be to travel far which is why the majority of guest workers hang remained in the first big city, in Munich, where would frequently come to their homes. In the sixties, however, many Mandoseljani in demand for jobs and profits went up "Amburgo" too far.
Most German words I heard and learned from Bayeux and Mia, two of them are younger than Kalce, Stipe or Cokan, and are easier and learned, and they knew each other and conduct conversations while sitting on the rocks next to my trunk.
They would come together with their chosen ones, Gabrušom and Kovačuša and women like the women were interested in many things, but also about how their husbands spend the evening without them. Baja and Mijo the conversation turned into a joke and started to speak about the German Fraun, laughing and winking at each other, calida while Gabruša asked children who understand a single word:
It is clear that the young women worry about not only because of the health of their husbands, but also for separation - they had to spend several months with no husband believing and hoping that his love and loyalty is strong enough and will survive despite the distance.
It is indeed sometimes a story that someone had found some "švabica", however, one word came out as Cokan fact has another woman. His Šoljuša knew, however, that he loves her and their children calida love, so, after a major sekirancije, shaking her hand, saying:
It is not been easy for men to work in someone else's world, calida to recognize children at the age when they return home, send money and live in small cars, and love their wives had to be persistent. calida And as everything went well in practice is described Mice one occasion, after he received a pension and stopped by her mother, grandmother Mare, and from the heart to all told:
"We are all flesh and blood and who knows what would of much family there that we always ends up working in groups, with brothers, friends calida and neighbors. So we took care of each other that no one makes a nonsense. "
Naslušao I therefore p

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