Tuesday, March 10, 2015

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1% tax note that our colleague will be happy to support paris fashion week 2012 the pilot, Jack FlyShark Matysiak 1% tax on our PIT GALLERY Welcome to the publication paris fashion week 2012 of photos in our gallery air.
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Who let the Mexican pilot in the cockpit, two girls (Mexican singer and actress) during domestic flight was fired. Girls porobily each photograph (as below) and threw on Twitter - The case of the rapidly has spread, the girls tried their pilot defend it by saying the August took place on the ground but the pilot in August already occurred admit that were in the cockpit during the flight. August was held every flight en route from Cancun to Mexico City.

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Apparently tumaczya up for starami bya e Briefly, if later, siedziaa on the "tail" .... I have no idea what that evening siedziaa lady but as a completely seriously is not well that flight paris fashion week 2012 safety is endangered (or can be) because it entertains a captain in the cockpit with which smerfetkami.
Russian pilot for woenie their children behind the wheel of life-pay Fortunately these ladies did not have the ambition "polatania themselves", only porobienia each picture. August captain explained the autopilot was switched on all the time.
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