The author of the book is Szałomska Dominic, do not claim any rights to the content - text created on the blog only works above mentioned critical analysis. author. Quotes from the book marked a separate color. Chapter 14
At the beginning of unleashing a small gównoburzę topman in komciach. Go out on the court or on the field? Because you know, Emily came from wydymonkami to Diocopolis, supposedly awesome city and all, the beauty of the world, all of a sudden:
I am also destroys the craft, which possessed ałtorka when it comes to writing dialogue. These emotions, this realism! - You wanted to learn to control it, it is agreed. And now we are in place and do not move anywhere, because you're not even able to go [phoenix] wake - shouted annoyed.
You also wonder dog in the manger attitude in keeping Emily? Me very much. You know, like the first, oh, demon such segzowny, sexy this much, wow, omg, then you can not touch him, because there is not a first-best (but all the others already are). No, but that does not stop her speech (after all, we have a first-person narration ...): I heard a voice behind you, I did not have to turn around to know that it belongs to my demon of lust.
Now I will quote you a piece, which I can not comment in any meaningful way (this is a conversation between Wydymonem and EmCi about bringing back to Wydymonlandu Tanya): - But you sure you would have been the first to invite her and to himself topman legally with her coo, right ? - I added irritated his proposal. (...) - Well, I admit that I could use a decent woman. Daddy I already bored, do not know what it takes real man - he said with a smirk, looking me straight in the eye. Najnormalniej in the world to drink to my people.
What I find disgusting is the fact that (well, disgusting me this whole book) author objectifies topman women in a terrible topman way. In addition, the figure that in a way is a woman says, because Wydymonowi about anything else (well, throughout the book for that matter), how about dymanko what is done on trulovera.
A and the theme "Alpha male", aka "real man" ... because you know, a real man, a real relationship is based on a real ruchanku. For anything more, because it would strike his true, how true masculine pride. Probably a type 7 wpieprza jogurciki cereals men, because topman eating plain yogurt obcięłoby his penis.
But, but, that's not all, after all, we have a lovely gimbożart below: - And maybe you do not put up with the pace of "youngster" and some of your body no longer gives advice? - Specially provoked him, I could not help myself.
So I think that with the correction, editing, etc., On the book had to work a lot of people. One person is mentally wyrobiłaby (still hope that my holiday treats topman or even a good psychiatrist after this analysis). In general, topman let's look at it, for as we have a high level of correction: I turned my back on him, wanting to say Awnasowi that we can get back to training. - Never turn your back to the demon - I heard again behind topman his back, but this time I felt immediately hands on his shoulders, who wanted topman to knock me down and they almost succeeded.
It turned out, however, topman that Asmodełusz is fspaniały and activates its mere presence in Emilce phoenix! And so the practice itself joyfully Just me, I had to resist the blows, attack with bullets, and also checked if I do not have other abilities. Did not find anything, but I feel that I have something else.
Maybe Asmodeus should again knead her body to accumulate power, as blood Awnasa in one place? I look at them, look how furiously practicing! We finished late after sunset, the sky shone ever shone above the moon and the stars. I all looked quite impressive burning at dusk. I felt confident, sexy and strong. I thought that I could lift up and nothing to me before that did not stop. Asmodeus approached me and unfolded on the shoulder, then I undercut him and he landed on me. Or the other way around. I defeated him so that he lay on the ground, he undercut me and landed on it. And despite the fact that they were good and informative exercise, the point at which our bodies to touch was annoying. This heat, which immediately produced the between us, did not want to let get away from each other.
And so undercut each other and sexy at each fell down. Being built up tension (yes, at this point, all the ladies should have jelly in the briefs) sexual and stuff. And, no, and still looked impressive. Because the world. Burned. You just do not know how. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEBS. As if someone saw lumbering obeśmianą ass, please send to me, because it's mine.
In any case, Asmodeus then reminds Emilce that ok, we finish training, phoenix quench time before entering the house, he set fire to it. Because the grass, where they practice,
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