Tuesday, July 29, 2014

However we were listening to legends and superstitions associated with stuffing of midnight, but ne

Strange shoeline superstitions |
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Scout's honor, folk beliefs are quite clever way people justify their own failures or out of an awkward situation. For example, shoeline sitting with a company in a park and suddenly you naughty bird natsvaka shoulder ... All fall into laughter, but you get away with saying, "Nothing, it's luck." There, suddenly you're shoeline a winner, and they are unhappy folks, shoeline no chance to fall within the scope of kasmetonoseshtata rump.
Now we will look at other interesting superstitions of the world, but before that I'll remember the most important - if it itches left hand will take money. if it itches right hand will give money if they itch both at once - immediately go to the doctor!
However we were listening to legends and superstitions associated with stuffing of midnight, but neighbors shoeline of Turkey directly killed the fish-they believe that a person who chew gum after midnight, actually survived flesh of a dead man. Affair!
And during the Crimean War and in the First World are thought to smoke three cigarettes in succession from a box is unfortunate. According to folklore, namely soldier shoeline in the third cigarette is the best chance to see the sniper fire of flame and easy to shoot smoker soldier.
Mirror subject without which one can hardly imagine modern life. But according to many urban legends staring in a mirror steals your soul. This explains why the Evil Queen from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" brush vanity issues to talking mirror, why Narcissus is trapped by his own reflection and why vampires have no reflection - and because they have no soul. So stop shooting with iPhone in the bathroom bezdushnitsi!
When in the early 19th century photography was invented, worldwide shoeline slid unreasonable rumor that someone to photograph is tantamount to take your soul. Thus, if the enemy you gain a picture of yourself, will have spiritual authority over you. Well it remained a ridiculous superstition, or else with terror can imagine how spiritual shoeline oligarski would have been in the age of Facebook.
We all know how happy event is finding a four-leaf clover. In some traditions, however, it is also used to find a husband / wife. To do this, when you find yourself clover with four leaves tempting, you should stick it in your shoe. Then, thanks to the power and luck will commit to the first person you meet. So carefully contacts ...
It is not clear why it is considered that the third day of the week is best suited for visiting dzhipito, but if you think about it, maybe Chez reach a logical conclusion: Monday is the day for a bad mood - then you go to work, Not to mention the doctor. On Tuesday, they still hold on Monday. Thursday is the last chance to pobachkash serious to afford to give it yavash-yavash Friday. shoeline On the day of the master shoeline you already thinking about the weekend. And here's how conclusively found where it came from popular belief.
One of the most interesting Bulgarian folk beliefs is that it is bad luck to meet a pig once wedded shoeline her. Hmm, and to watch it if you realize that you see a pig right after your wedding, then your choice was totally wrong.
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