Friday, July 25, 2014

Duration: Early start trataka only for 1 or 2 minutes. Gradually bubbleroom increase the duration.

trataka trataka staring
For this practice you will need a candle. Light the candle and place it so that the flame is right at eye level when seated. Sit in a comfortable meditative posture with head up and spine at arm's length from the candle. Close your eyes and relax the whole body, especially the eyes. Over a period of a few minutes we immobility Be aware of your body. Remain motionless bubbleroom throughout the practice. Then open your eyes and fix your gaze on the tip of the wick. The flame may slightly trembling, but the tip of the wick always remains stationary. Not blinking and moving the eyeballs in any way. Take it easy. Attention has to be so completely focused on the wick, so to lose a sense of the body. If your mind starts to deviate, bubbleroom gently twist it back but to practice. When the eyes become tired, close them carefully. Focus in the secondary image of the flame that stays in front of your closed eyes. If the image moves, bubbleroom watch it and try to stabilize. When it begins to fade, try to return it again. When you can no longer hold the image, carefully opened his eyes and turned his gaze at the top of the wick. Repeat the procedure with the external gaze. Then again, close your eyes and stare in the internal image. Continue in this way or D 4 times. After completing the last time, vigorously rub your palms and lay it on the eyes. Do this 2 or 3 times before you open your eyes.
Duration: Early start trataka only for 1 or 2 minutes. Gradually bubbleroom increase the duration. For general purposes 10 minutes is sufficient. Those who suffer from insomnia and mental tension should perform this practice 10-15 minutes bubbleroom before bedtime.
Warning: trataka should be practiced with a stable flame, so there should be no movement in the room. The practitioner should always avoid overly tense. Ability to keep their eyes open without blinking, should be developed gradually and steadily in practice. Trataka is an excellent method for clearing the accumulated complexes, problems and suppressed thoughts of the mind, allowing the practitioner to observe as a witness how they appear. But it is likely that these problems also occur too quickly out, which can be a bit intimidating to mind. If this happens, stop the practice and seek advice from an experienced yoga teacher. In the case of diseases of the eye such as eye strain, myopia, astigmatism, and even early symptoms of cataract, instead of a flame of a candle can be used a black dot on a white sheet.
Benefits: bubbleroom This practice balances the nervous system, relieves nervous tension, anxiety, depression and insomnia, improves memory and helps to develop better concentration and willpower, activates ajna chakra and is an excellent preparatory practice of meditation.
Variants: trataka can be practiced on any objects on personal choice. It is not recommended to do trataka on the moon, crystal ball, mirror or darkness. Do not practice trataka bubbleroom on the sun, as can be damaged delicate membranes of the eye. Once you choose the object of concentration should not change it, otherwise the mind will have any time to begin to learn to perceive bubbleroom the new object over again.
Practical note: The practice involves staring at a fixed point or object without blinking his eyes. The purpose of practice is to focus the mind and to curb his tendencies to fluctuations making it into a one-pointed tool for awakening and inner vision. All the attention bubbleroom and power of the mind is channeled in a continuous stream. This process must be carried out effortlessly and exertion. Once you do this, the sleeping bubbleroom potentials in mind will spontaneously begin to awaken.
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