Friday, August 1, 2014

In one aspect of the plan is directly car shoe debilen. On the one hand recognizes that the demogra

The title is perefraza fresh statement councilor, who said that the future will Lovech and can not be repaired by anyone - not by the government or the public. So therefore we have to be smart and take the road to normal Europe. As it is said "bass municipality as such are counselors!"
Dictum was born in the head of his colleague during tyagosno discuss the new Municipal Development Plan 2014-2020 Lovech Municipality. You can imagine how licentious looked prospects in the plan, and advisor to exclaim with such hopelessness. For those who do not know the municipal plan is the roadmap that moves the municipality during the next programming period of the EU. The plan must clearly projected face of the municipality in a very remote from us now. Staring into the distance reveals a truly depressing sight. Lovech ambition to maintain its present, but with a little more sleek (blagoestroystven) type. Preserving the status quo and no clear ambition to develop.
The plan promises economy Lovech look current way. Opportunities are seen only in existing industries. Despite the recognition that they collar jobs and obviously does not create any competition car shoe in the labor market. Zyavkata to develop existing branches of engineering industry, textile, leather, furniture, car shoe food is staring fearfully at the economic level that you achieved. After seven years Bulgaria will undoubtedly advance, but we are committed car shoe to develop the economy of the past century already.
Plan recognizes fearful of threats to education and timidly offered reforms and optimization. Machtae to preserve the status car shoe quo and do not even think about modernization and new quality. Because teething promises to improve the material base of patching a roof and a closer car shoe relationship with beznesa (above became clear that this is slowing business) will create conditions municipality to compete to retain and attract talented local children from other regions.
The plan looks at tourism facilities car shoe only. Promised modernization of the Turkish bath, castle, something about Devetashka Cave Park and Strate, but reconciled with the label that Lovech is "one way ticket destination". A place where you come once, no reason to come back. Found that tourists come here just for one night, but does not offer any idea to create events, events, attractions, to attract and retain lyuboprtniya tourist.
The plan says the idea to preserve the achievements car shoe in culture, but did not see new cultural horizons. Everything goes under the slogan "Let's preserve cultural car shoe institutes and keep current cultural events." Nothing you these events are few, and some more uninteresting. The capacity of the plan is low in search of new heights in cultural development.
The development plan of the municipality is copied as an integrated plan for urban development. Projects in a mechanically transferred to the other. Free to add new ideas and areas of concern that are not integrated plan obezpecheva. More here enshrined absolutely impossible to execute the plan, because the registered projects require local contribution of tens of millions of dollars. The task is too much for increasingly choked payment budget. Another option is growing loans that soon would threaten the fiscal stability of the municipality.
This scenario we have already seen it. Last year completed the first implementation of the plan for municipal development. Document full of other good intentions remained unfulfilled dramatic and Lovech programming period ended 10 thousand less and still weak economy.
In one aspect of the plan is directly car shoe debilen. On the one hand recognizes that the demographic situation car shoe is critical. The other does not embed any care to solve this problem, excuse the fact that these processes are universal in Bulgaria. car shoe In other words, the plan promises that after seven years of Lovech will melt even 6-7 thousand young kontingen will fall to the critical 10%, and built nursing homes will not be able to meet social needs. All shiny public works are meaningless if there is not enough people who use them and to enjoy.
Development plan does not speak the language of young people in Lovech. None of the objectives, priorities and measures not focused on solving their problems and attempts to arrest more serious brain and energy. Whatever you accomplish your programming period this plan, it will provide employment, perspectives, hopes and future of young people. Plan dooms local youth emigration, and the municipality of slow margenalizatsiya.
This plan is a great bureaucratic document. It is written in all the formal requirements of the administration. Cold as any creation Desk and full of bureaucratic indifference. The plan promises car shoe a more polish and trim, but empty, a soulless and sad Lovech. City that preparatory

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