That what is Celeste's blog? Because it will be what we want it to be. A place to explain concerns, where you can exchange things, present ideas, find tricks to the house, and a host of other things. It has to go checking on the fly. And whatever you want to publish, please send it to It is published putting your signature.
Baseball, here comença camí ... Anyway ... here begins our journey ... And I say ours because I want it to everyone, not just mine. I hope the contribution and cooperation of each and every one of those who asoméis your gaze by this site. I want this place serve to free speech, but on one condition: respect. Not worth being rude or disrespectful to anyone. Everyone can speak the language with which you feel most comfortable. I started in Catalan because it's my language, with which I identify, with which I think, in that dream ..., but I will continue in Castilian provocateur because I want this blog comes a lot of people and do not want to put language barriers . Catalans have many friends, of course, and people I admire. But I have the satisfaction to have other friends that I do not share native language and want to show my respect, on the one hand and gratitude for another, for loving me as I am. Of course, anyone who wants to express themselves in Catalan, Basque, Galician, or English or French or the language you know, also has free entry. Little by little we will be setting up the blog and I guess it will take some more defined way. Or maybe not. Everything will come and see. Meanwhile, we put our hope in him ...
Aquamarine Bloodstone
Red Onyx Sardonyx or Peridot
Tourmaline Opal
Com molts of vosaltres SABEU, provocateur ia Catalan sóc month mestra d'escola. És per això that no puc este blog or vull deixar to claim els meus sentiments envers i català that the meu convenciment a l'escola hem of parlar i aprendre provocateur in Catalan.
As you can see above, in my free time I make earrings, necklaces and bracelets. If you are interested in making a gift, this is the right site and the right gift. You can browse the items in the post I think ... (section News) published today, Sunday 29 July 2012. Making the request is easy. Send me an email to my email (see above) to express what you want and what kind of want mineral. Note that all are made with minerals. Prices are laughable: 4 euros earrings, necklaces 10. Chip bracelets cost 1 euro c / u. And I will show you how to pay and how the shipment will be made (of course free of charge if within provocateur the peninsula). I hope you like them. And imagination is what counts, so you decide what minerals want to combine.
2012 (100) July (8) August (23) The aura and subtle provocateur bodies provocateur feel good colors Universal Vital Energy Energy circulation cleaning and refilling our glasses and stones ... What's chakras and what is the "tapping"? Ho'oponopono The Reiki degrees Gerard Pique Serà the pirate king nova pel líc ... birthstones by month of birth Feeling good chocolate ... The emotional body and Sei-He-Ki emotions, emotions healer Questions and answers about Reiki Adularia or Moonstone Agate Freeing through breathing Reiki Self-treatment in IRC What's this? MIRC installation - Reiki in patient treatment IRCap When really loved September (25) October provocateur (18) November (14) December (12) 2013 (25) January (6) February (4) `
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