Friday, May 15, 2015

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Bravado vandalism is not a group in the sense of a political group with a program to make or define, but is simply another group that uses more of related media, if available for the dissemination of theoretical material and propaganda for the intensification of the war that exists; in this case, a blog like so many others.
While we believe in the importance of the attack from and against all existing new look shoes order, we are not insurrecionalistas, although not dismiss individual attacks, nor do we believe that the attacks from now consist only gunpowder and gasoline (also not dismiss). We are neither "Marxists" although several of the tests we post are theorized from the perspective of the proletariat. We recognize as proletarians as we recognize ourselves as exploited and our struggle as a class is the struggle for self-suppression of our condition as proletarians, the self-suppression of our class with all classes. new look shoes We are anarchists and individualists as we believe in the will of the individual conscious of the value of the dictatorship that rules the lives of alienated masses and because only the revolution in which we are free as individuals will be our revolution. And communists and only in communism anarchy in individuals freely associated to the preservation of the freedom of all, lies the power to sweep away their money, their jobs, their schools, their prisons, their states, their borders; in short, all the existing order and everything that smacks of authority for conducting humada our community.
The texts will be hanging here will be mostly theoretical material new look shoes that serves as arsenal for the intensification of the conflict, although news and demases concerning social war every so shall also be published. The theoretical material will be spread here mostly anarchic character, as well as texts of the Situationist and anti-communist current state (or current communization). We believe in the deepening of the theoretical exercise to materialize in practice. We are not followers of neither a kind of intellectualism, new look shoes but we believe that the theoretical disarmament is manifested in practice feebleness of our class struggle, as supposedly anarchic groups new look shoes that reproduce even practice our theoretical development dismissed precisely because its results in practice; as well as the trivialization of concepts such as communism of social democracy today is appropriated to empty of content. We advocate the unitary critique, theoretical intensification of the conflict will be useful while deepening practice against everything that exists or will not be.
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