Friday, December 13, 2013

Concepts and definitions von Willebrand disease (vWD) is the first to form a complex plasma facto

Asthenia platelet us? Take out a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder, nose bleeding and occurrence of bleeding gums and the long-term repeatability, the bleeding candino time is longer candino and the blood clot 退缩 (clot retraction) and the lack, ADP platelet aggregation caused by features of the disorder or defect that. cause platelet surface normal platelet glycoprotein candino llb / llla (GPllb / llla) gene or a fibric Reno Von Willebrand Factor (VWF) and cross-linked platelet aggregation at the site of the injury is the fault of isomers ileonaneunde yihe bleeding abnormalities Theron appears. This defect candino prevents candino platelet aggregation and the bleeding. Vascular injury platelets adhere to the site of the bleeding to the action, but the very lack of a protein that acts as an adhesive platelet Sue normal function properly, even those that are not. clinical bleeding by causing platelet dysfunction. Time of birth, or when early childhood typically mucocutaneous bleeding ileonaneunde, dental care increased bleeding candino can be happen. Petechiae and ecchymosis, epistaxis, bleeding takes place is the ratio. Light bleeding and severe external shock, natural women, menstrual bleeding that occurs when excessive bleeding may also be a risk. This disease is a rare, X-linked candino recessive gene and the genetic bleeding, fine platelets symptomatology. taesaengri for disease [platelet asthenia] candino symptoms of underlying platelet granules by stimulation of the release of various reactions will not occur, but this is not caused agglutination. Final platelet aggregation was unable Brynner Zen (fibrinogen) in order to combine the required membrane surface glycoprotein platelet membrane glycoprotein complex (glycoprotein; candino GP) IIb-IIIa is because the defect. As the location of the given platelet gravis, may be mentioned the following disorders. 1 platelet adhesion capacity interference (1) platelet disorder (glycoproteinI deficiency) Bernard-Soulier syndrome. (2) non-platelet disorder (vWF deficiency) von Willebrand disease (vWD). 2 disorder of platelet aggregation ability (1) a primary coagulation disorder (glycoprotein II-III candino deficiency. Granules candino not involve the release of reaction) candino platelet asthenia. (2) The second coagulation disorder (dense body deficiency of [adenine nucleotide]. Granules be accompanied by the release reaction) storage candino pool disease. findings [platelet asthenia] yeoseo normal platelet count, pro (professional) thrombin (thrombin) time and part - time, and the discussion of security Pura graze] is normal coagulation tests. Is obvious to extend the bleeding time, ADP, epinephrine, [], collagen (collagen) decreases due to agglomeration of obviousness. diagnosis [platelet asthenia] infancy, but there is a tendency to hemorrhage, bleeding, platelet count normal yeoseo received recognition for an extension of time, first signs of root disease called von Willebrand candino (vWD) suspect. This lack of symptoms and the underlying blood clot 退缩 my normal factor VIII, but yeoseo, ADP is obvious due to the decrease in platelet aggregation and differentiation to be vWD. treatment, care and prevention [platelet asthenia] candino does not stop local bleeding in fresh plasma, platelets 输 annotate. Current Topics [platelet asthenia] symptoms of underlying platelet membrane glycoprotein (glycoprotein; GP) IIb and IIIa defect (I-type) or a decrease in hyeonjo (II type) on my looks, candino since 1990, the GPIIb and GPIIIa gene array determined, in that a quantitative reduction mechanism (mechanism) is the genetic level (level) was able to examine.
Storage bottle name of disease; platelet function disorders - congenital; belnal in Sri syndrome; guran Flats defined only increased force of blood platelets needed for clotting of blood cells, platelets, congenital dysfunction. causes and risk factors of congenital disorders of platelet function platelet count does not change even though the relationship is not bleeding time (clotting of blood occurs in them relating to time) that is characterized by prolonged bleeding disorders. usually continued for a long time, or simply internal candino bleeding bleeding occurs entails. Hemorrhagic diseases seen by the family of the affected candino station. Bernard-Soulier syndrome platelets adhere to the vessel wall in a congenital disorder that lack receptors for this disease is, it is a severe bleeding. Guran Flats weakness of the mucosa and platelets only Postoperative bleeding disorder that causes bleeding may also critical. storage disease is mild, causing internal bleeding, candino hemorrhagic disease. hemorrhagic disease as risk factors for morbidity, it is shown to be the family candino station. genes involved in preventing platelet disorders The defect can be found in the examination of these diseases and to show the family, and a future to think of having a child who is recommended to receive genetic counseling. symptoms - Kofi - Symptoms of intraoperative and postoperative bleeding - simply subcutaneous hemorrhage - a long-running minor bleeding wound-odd candino menstrual cycle - bleeding gums signs and physical examination findings were recognized bleeding obvious - hyeolsan candino of platelet that you have a number of normal-time extension of the bleeding-platelet aggregation test - a blood clot retraction capability - prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time later. kinship of people, including inspection and other tests also be required if be. treatment of the disease has no specific candino treatment is aspirin bleeding time (clotting of blood takes place in them relating to time), it is known to extend and People with bleeding disorders need to avoid all of this be. symptoms appeared when the platelet transfusion is performed. jeongwi prognosis and treatment control of bleeding can be carried out, but this is the life span of disease, healing is not one way. massive bleeding, care must be taken to avoid . Complications - Critical bleeding - menstruation in women with iron deficiency anemia candino is unexplained bleeding or hemorrhage physician if you have a tree, or a normal way when the bleeding does not stop, consult a doctor.
Clinical significance [platelet membrane glycoprotein] platelet membrane glycoprotein (GP) having a molecular weight in a large sequence GP I, II, III, IV, V, VI, etc. to be labeled. Greater than congenital or acquired GP, platelet function abnormalities seems. The interpretation of the platelet membrane glycoprotein diagnosis is indispensable because, however, because the frequency of specific diseases in low robake not being enforced. Ability of platelet adhesion capacity from more than や platelet function abnormalities, but I doubt if, 涂抹 over the sample in the form of giant platelets in doubt when performed. [Reference range]: normal pattern (pattern). This family is shown by the slight changes. Bernard-Soulier syndrome defined concepts and always (usually) autosomal recessive heredity, disease causing severe bleeding tendency. General in infancy, childhood, subcutaneous bleeding, nose bleeding, and recognized, candino and since then, excessive menstruation, gastrointestinal bleeding, even when you can see. Formation of platelets (as is normally 2 ~ 4μm) are shown, but the number is decreased, and the bleeding time prolongation, but pro (professional) thrombin (thrombin) is normal time. Symptoms, the underlying membrane glycoprotein (glycoprotein; GP) decreases and the inner GPIb, von Willebrand disease (vWD) and equality, but the lack of cohesion [] to the restore candino sechin (GPIb receptors candino in the multi-vWF). ADP, collagen (collagen), adrenaline (adrenaline) is a normal coagulation. Of platelet transfusion candino therapy. The emergence of the giant platelets, thrombocytopenia, but has been the subject of differential diagnosis, May-Hegglin candino abnormality, Montreal platelet syndrome, gray platelet syndrome, Epstein candino has byeongdeung.
Concepts and definitions von Willebrand disease (vWD) is the first to form a complex plasma factor VIII and von Willebrand factor (vWF) based on the qualitative, quantitative Congenital Bleeding is very. Extension of bleeding time and the coagulation factor VIII activity (VIII: C) a decrease (10% to 40%) is characterized by the formation of the primary hemostatic plug is supposed candino disability, nose, oral mucosal bleeding, subcutaneous bleeding candino heart yeoseo, hemophilia a lot of joint and muscle hemorrhage are rare. Increase the frequency candino and dynamics Type III (usual) autosomal recessive hereditary, but the general has always been a different type (normal) shows autosomal dominant. Approximately 10% of congenital predisposition to bleeding occupies, the road will be one per 100,000, hemophilia A, B on the next lot. mainly mucosal bleeding clinical candino features and skin, nose bleeding, purpura most often. Then, within the same pedigree hemophilia severity of infection, but is nearly constant, vWD, even among the symptoms of infection in the same household, check the value of the deviation (difference) is supposed, when one patient in accordance with any symptoms, check the value is different. findings by a decrease in bleeding time vWF but extend. candino Platelet count, platelet morphology, ADP, collagen (collagen), thrombin (thrombin) in accordance with the normal ability of platelet aggregation, but the restore sechin [] reflects the reduction of beam parameters, [] in accordance with the restore platelet aggregation ability of sechin decreases. [Discussion] Bo rubbed Pura activated partial time (APTT) is made by vWF degradation of factor VIII is due to decreased production of the raw stimulus, some extend. diagnostic symptoms, diagnosis by laboratory findings sticks. VWD is mild, aspirin (aspirin), but I bleeding time when administered to 0.65g (前) the value extended several times to many times from ten. Aspirin (aspirin) is Araki (arak) East (Dong) implemented by acid inhibits PGG 2 and required platelet ADP release from platelets, press material also causes platelet aggregation, inhibits the synthesis of TXA 2. vWD is strongly inhibited platelet aggregation, bleeding is clear that the extension of time. treatment, management and prevention of mild type I (eg orthopedic), the synthetic 抗 antidiuretic hormone (hormone) resin mopu consideration [Death] candino (DDAVP) 0.4μg/kg the settlement is available. [Resin] Death mopu the hypothalamus, upright Sauce made between system factor VIII / vWF release from endothelial cells of the blood vessels candino is due to promote. Difficult hemostasis or Type I II, III type has potato recipe] [kurioh Fu, fresh frozen plasma (FFP), intermediate-made factor VIII preparations are available. A dose of the semi-Hemophilia

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